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Should I Use an Events Agency?

Do I need an event management agency

You’re going to run an event. You visualise the venue. You imagine the atmosphere. You hear the buzz of conversation – the hush of anticipation as it begins. You see smart signage and neat stage design. You have a programme that flows – an experience that “wows” your audience. There’s no doubt it’s going to boost your business.

Somehow, someway, you’ve created a masterpiece…

And then you sigh and take a sip of coffee as you look at the blank page titled ‘Event Plan’ and wonder where to start…

Start here and answer these questions

The ‘Five Cs of Event Management’ will help you frame the big picture of what your event will involve:

  1. Concept: Capture everything you see in your vision. Clarify your aims. Set the right tone. Determine your budget…
  2. Coordination: Make a plan of action. Find the right venue and suppliers. Make arrangements for the speakers, entertainment, staffing, sponsors, set design, AV, live-streaming, communications, marketing, contracts, logistics, risk assessment, security…
  3. Control: Stay on schedule. Keep within budget. Handle issues. Keep everyone informed. Prepare for contingencies…
  4. Culmination: Deliver the event. Ensure the programme flows. Address problems swiftly. Communicate with teams. Keep attendees engaged. Keep hosts happy…
  5. Conclusion: Tidy up. Pay outstanding bills. Follow up with delegates. Review the data. Provide your report…

Next, consider your options

The success of your event rides on how well each step of the process is managed. Whilst the above list isn’t comprehensive, just starting to work through the Five Cs helps you clarify what you have and what you need. As you think further, you either gain confidence about your ability to deliver the event or find cause to pick up the phone…

This is important because event management is an involved process. It requires a team with specialist skills. It can easily become a second job if it isn’t your primary responsibility. Plus it ticks all the boxes for what the UK Health & Safety Executive regards as stressful work. In the US, event management is listed in the top 10 most stressful occupations.

So, think:

  • What will this cost me in time? (And stress?)
  • How will it impact my other work?
  • Will the business be affected?

Now, realise your vision

Perhaps you only need help with one aspect such as conference design. Whatever it takes for you to be confident in delivering a successful event is what matters. If necessary, an agency can provide end-to-end coverage. You need to factor their work into the budget. But it should prove cost-effective given their expertise, the minimal disruption to your business and the ultimate achievement of your objectives.

Furthermore, it remains your event. Your agency gets to work once a plan is agreed. You meet regularly to discuss progress and make tweaks. They advise on options and follow your decisions. And as your vision is realised, your confidence builds…

You enter the venue and feel the atmosphere. You hear the buzz of conversation – the hush of anticipation as the event begins. You see smart signage and neat stage design. You have a programme that flows – an experience that “wows” your audience. It’s going to boost your business.

You’re glad you used an agency.



General Event Management:

How to organise a successful event
How to make your end-year conference stand out
How to host a successful event

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