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Navigating Hybrid and Virtual Experiences with Ease

Hybrid events

Navigating the Shift to Hybrid and Virtual Experiences

Over the past few years, as society has drastically changed the way they view things and become even more digital, the events industry has also had to keep up. Embracing hybrid and virtual experiences has had to be a huge part to any events business that wants to keep ahead of the game. Offering a blend of in-person and digital elements creates exciting opportunities for attendees to engage and connect from anywhere in the world. Let’s dive into how you can navigate this new style of events. 

Firstly, what are hybrid events? Hybrid events can combine the best of both worlds by allowing attendees to choose between attending in-person, joining remotely or for you to create an event that has both elements in person and online elements! This flexibility ensures more participants can be part of the event, regardless of their location or circumstances. Meanwhile virtual events can help you completely breakdown the need for an in-person event space, allowing attendees to join from the comfort of their chosen space. 

Both formats offer a chance to offer exciting possibilities you may have not been able to offer from an only in-person event such as live performances, interactive workshops to networking sessions and product launches. However to make the most of hybrid and virtual events, here’s some tips to navigate these events:

Embrace Technology:

Using technology is a huge part to creating a digital event! You need to make sure the platform can accommodate the event you are hosting as well as the amount of people attending. Remember to consider if the platform can host the elements you need such as different online rooms for multiple workshops or if it can be recorded for people to watch later on. You also need to consider investing in a reliable platform, internet connection and quality audiovisual equipment to optimise your attendees experience.  

Engage Actively:

Make sure you use plenty of interactive features such as chat rooms, Q&A sessions and polls that can connect speakers and attendees. Giving attendees the chance to actively participate allows them a more enriching experience. 

Take Breaks:

Virtual events can be mentally taxing so make sure you schedule in regular breaks for your speakers and attendees. Allow them time to step away from the screen, stretch their legs and grab a snack to maintain focus and energy levels. 

Plan Ahead:

Make sure you create a detailed event plan that outlines your goals, your agenda and target audience. Consider the logistics of hosting either a fully virtual event or a hybrid one where virtual and in-person components need to be considered to create a seamless experience for all attendees. 

Provide Clear Instructions:

Don’t forget to communicate clear instructions and guidelines for attendees and speakers for helping to access and participate in the event. Some key instructions to include could be technical support resources and troubleshooting tips incase any issues arise. 

Offer Networking Opportunities:

Create networking opportunities for attendees to connect and interact with each other. These could be in a range of forms such as networking sessions, group discussions or the ability to book one on one meetings that will help guests feel like they can still foster meaningful connections which are typically created via face to face interactions. 

Gather Feedback:

It is still important to gather feedback from attendees of hybrid and virtual events. This will allow you to gather insights and identify areas for important and to help you refine future events. 

Stay Flexible:

Be prepared to potentially adapt or adjust your event incase of issues such as changing circumstances, technology issues or feedback attained before the event. Staying open to new ideas will ensure the success of your event!

Measure Success:

Virtual events should still be defined using key performance indicators (KPIs). Make sure you track metrics such as attendance, engagement and satisfaction levels. This data is important to gather as it will help to inform future decisions for other events. 

By following these tips you’re sure to successfully transition to hybrid and virtual events with confidence. Embrace the flexibility and accessibility of these events that will connect you to a larger audience and a bigger range of options.   


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