Virtual Exhibitions

Generate leads with a virtual exhibition

Utilise the virtual space to create customised booths for your exhibitors. Offer on-demand content such as video and provide chat forums for attendees to engage with. Find out more about our Virtual Exhibitions Services by booking a demo.

virtual conferences platform exhibitions
virtual exhibitions

Collect online registrations with a custom landing page

Highlight the benefits of attending and excite your prospects with what to expect from your online exhibition with a customised landing page. Include information and branding of your choice to promote your exhibition. Customise your registration form by selecting the fields you want and need to obtain qualifies leads before and after the event.

Showcase your products and services using an interactive online event

Through creating a visually rich environment with branding and designs, your leads and prospects can easily direct their way through the virtual space, browse booths and experience a true to life exhibition. The exhibitions are easy to navigate and with no downloads or Flash, they are mobile-friendly and work on all modern browsers, making the exhibition experience as real as can be. With your own branding, logo and colours, you cab make your exhibition your own. Host it on a vanity URL and model your virtual event space, all customised and based on what you want.

virtual exhibitions
virtual exhibitions

Use digital content to educate potential buyers about your products and services

Share engaging content with your attendees such as videos, product pictures, discounts and presentations. Enable your delegates to save and download any piece of content with a virtual briefcase. They can refer to this later on after your exhibition is over. 

Use E-Commerce engines to generate revenue

Booth operatives can add their own online stores into their virtual booths. Increase this revenue by offering exclusive discounts and promotions.

virtual conferences virtual event exhibitions
virtual networking exhibitions

Engage with prospects through using dynamic chat tools

Enable your representatives to engage with leads using text, audio and video chat tools. Increase sales and buyer satisfaction as well as respond to visitors queries either in a group chat or on an individual thread.



Take your events online! Maximise your audience and increase your ROI.


What They Say About Us

“Their attention to detail and thoughtfulness make my life a lot easier! It is an absolute joy to work with Fresh and I feel confident at every event that they will deliver.”

Laura Fleming
Director of Events
Pax8 UK

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